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Portfolio Entry 1: R.S.S. and Blog Feeds


Recently I have found and read and interesting article by Jay King called An iPad for the Teacher (Not Only). This article is about a school on Auburn that is going to be placing 285 iPads into classrooms. Kings article discusses why he feels that this is a good idea and how having this new technology in the classroom can greatly help improve how a child thinks and learns. King states the iPads will help “tap into creativity, encourage critical thinking and foster collaboration” (King, 2011).

I have come to agree with his points as to how having an iPad2 coming into a school in Auburn is going to make a very positive impact if the technology is used to its best advantages. King states in his article that “Technology has already moved into the classroom in ways both large and small. It has already changed the classroom – from K through 12 – and continues to change how kids learn and teachers think” (King, 2011). I agree with this because children are now going up with technology all around them. They see and use technology on a daily basis and are constantly learning new ways to work and grow with the technology they are given. Children are born into a time where everything heavily relies on technology as we go through our day to day life. For example a cell phone. Most if not all people have a cell phone which is a forever changing and upgrading piece of technology.  Also we see children younger and younger getting cell phones. I remember when I first got my cell phone. It wasn’t until grade 10 of high school and it was only because I was having trouble on my long walk to school.

Another way I agree with having an iPad into the classroom is because using my background  knowledge on Early Childhood Education I am aware that children do learn in different ways, that not every child learns by reading or listening. According to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiply intelligences children have seven different intelligences. These include linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal (Smith, 2008). Through these seven intelligences children obtain their knowledge. Some children learn mainly through one of the intelligences where as some children may learn through several. I think by looking at this theory we can help to back up the iPad being in the classroom because this wonderful piece of technology has access to teach children a variety of new information several different way connecting to the seven intelligences children learn through. For example, if a child is a musical learner and you as a teacher find that they seem to catch on to new information by hearing a song or music to its them you could simple look up an app on the iPad that allows the child to learn the information needed though sounds, songs or some type of music. This will help the child learn to the best of their ability. This goes for all of the seven intelligences, with the iPad there are endless possibilities to how children can obtain their knowledge needed to be a successful learner.

Overall I feel that the  iPad would be a great addition into classrooms. Children and teachers would greatly benifit from this great technology as they use it hand in hand with teaching. Teachers will gain new ways of teaching the children using the technology and the children will learn the new materials presented by both the teacher and the iPad  in very different and unique ways that coincide with each childs learning style.

Here’s a video I found interesting which talks about some educational games Teachers can use in their classrooms using the iPad. I found it very useful for someone like myself who is new to becoming an Early Child Educator to get a look at some new ways to incorporate technology like the iPad into the classroom. These iPad games shown in this video would be great resources to use.


King, J. (2011). An ipad for the teacher (not only). Retrieved October, 2011 from


Smith, Mark (2008). Howard gardner, multiple intelligences and education. Retrieved October,

           2011 from